Beech Mushrooms (Latin name Hypsizigus Tessellatus).
These little ones are Brown Beech, also known as Buna-shimeji or brown clamshell. They have a mild, sweet, and nutty flavor, and the best part, in our opinion, is the stems. The stems keep a firm, crisp texture when cooked and add depth to any recipe, especially soups, ramen bowls, and stir-fry dishes.
Beech mushrooms grow in clusters on hardwoods, mostly beech trees (makes sense), and are native to East Asia. And, of course, they are cultivated around the world.
Beech mushrooms are high in fiber and protein and contain many B vitamins, such as thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Our body uses niacin to turn food into energy and keep our skin, nervous system, and digestive system healthy and in good working order. Beech also contains potassium, zinc, and copper (antioxidant activity). Copper also helps your body to make energy.
We notice there is a theme to this 'beech' party. We aren't experts, but maybe we should call them the ‘energy’ mushroom?
Beech mushrooms may also protect against parasitic diseases and are considered a good source of anticancer agents.
We have fresh and dried Beech available year-round.